Personal details


  • Qualification: Attorney
  • Address: 55100 Lucca (Italy), Viale Carlo del Prete, Traversa I n.87
  • Place and date of birth: Viareggio (Lucca)  17.06.1966
  • Telephone number: +39 0583 584981
  • Fax number: + 39 0583 316172
  • Fiscal Code: LTT NRC 66H17 L833A
  • V.A.T. n°: 01580800462
  • Mail:
  • Pec:


Enrico Lattanzi was born in Viareggio (LU) on 17/06/1966 and graduated in Law at University of Pisa in 1994 after one year abroad (Erasmus University Program – U.C.L. London, Faculty of Laws).

He has been practising since the 30th of September 1995 and he is registered in the “List of Solicitors” of the Lawyers’ Board of Lucca since 1998.

In the year 2002 he was admitted to the Arbitrators’ Roster of the Arbitration Chamber of Lucca.

He is currently insured with Generali Assicurazioni against any professional risk to the extent of € 1.000.000,00.

He has been registered on the list of English – speaking Law Firms in Italy for several years (England, United States, India, Australia, Canada, Ireland).

He is currently member of the Board of Lawyers of Lucca Court, he is the Chairman of local Mediation Organism (set up by the Court of Lucca) and a member (and President) of FBE (Federation de Barreaux Europee)’s Access to Justice Commission.

Languages: Italian, English, German (basic)