The Firm
Lattanzi Law Firm
The Firm provides its Clients with a wide range of services both in the management of Court’s litigation and in the assistance requested in extra-judicial matters.
We provide personal and direct assistance to clients throughout Italy using a proven network of professionals specializing in these areas.
We have gained experience in the field of compensation for damages due to traffic accidents occurring in Italy or abroad: having assessed the liability of third parties in the event, we handle the complete management of the case, taking care of relations with insurance companies and with the liquidators in charge, in order to obtain fair compensation.
We can also take action to protect the Client in the event of compensation for damages due to health liability or in case of an accident at work, providing due assistance both to the employee who wants to get compensation or to the company that intends to get compensation for the damage suffered due to the absence from work of employees and / or partners (in case of liability of third parties).
The Firm assists its Clients in the field of debt recovery – establishing on their behalf injunctive, enforcement and bankruptcy procedures – and in the event of disputes with Banks (both in the event of breach of contract and in case of liability related to financial investments).
We can handle the preparation of a wide range of contracts (such as supply and sale of goods, leasing, agency, etc..) including leases for residential use (and not) and we can protect the Client in matters of eviction before the expiration of the contract, at its natural end or for non-payment of rent.
In real estate, we take care of the interests of the Client throughout the entire procedure of buying and selling leaving the analysis of tax and technical issues to external professionals with whom it has long been set up a fruitful collaboration (accountants, architects, engineers, surveyors and geologists): among other services, we provide real estate estimates, inspections and search for the title of ownership, price negotiations, drafting of the preliminary contract and assistance in the final act.
We have acquired experience in the inheritance field and we provide advice in matters of wills, disputes between heirs and divisions; we have acted as executors of wills of our Clients.
The Firm also advises, assists and represents its clients in the event of recourse to alternative dispute resolution tools.
We provide personal and direct assistance to clients throughout Italy using a proven network of professionals specializing in these areas.
We give particular importance to the communication with the Client, which we keep updated with immediacy on all the various stages of the procedure.